The Persona – La Vulgarisatrice Skip to content
Comprendre le persona : Guide simplifié pour les débutants

The Persona

Who is this Persona I often talk about?

Is it a cartoon character? A Greek goddess? Someone with a name as funky as Mitsou's? Well no!

The Persona is your target customer, your ideal customer, your typical customer, call it what you want: it is THE key person who buys your services or your products. The Persona is also you, then me, then even those who are minimalist type. We are all someone's persona!

The Persona is the most important person in your business (Yep! You come after. No customers, no business!)

Because if you are one of the most important people in your company, your target customer remains THE most important. This is THE person who must always be at the center of your attention. Even more than your children!

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there haha

Okay, so now that you know that your Persona is THE most sacred person in the world. The God of your business. The sacrosanct goddess of your life...

I want to teach you how to conquer it!

Because it's all well and good knowing that you have a Persona, it's not like going on Tinder and choosing the perfect match with us based on their photo. You have to charm them.

If you are not a hunter at heart, I warn you, you are becoming one now! The fault of "no choice".

To find and charm your Persona, you still need some basic information to get to know him. You draw this information from your inner self and according to hypotheses that you make. The goal is not to have the science infused, but rather to know who your probable target is. Afterwards, you will be able to validate with your audience and with your current clientele.

I won't explain to you today how to make predictions if you are starting a business, because I'm afraid of losing you. So make some guesses and you will readjust in time and place!

Basic information

The basic information to collect about your persona is evidence that you decide yourself. As I told you, we readjust the shot once we have a few customers to adjust our data based on the customers who convert best with our company.

  1. his name
  2. his age
  3. his job
  4. his social status
  5. his family status
  6. his annual income
  7. his character
  8. his habits
  9. his personality
  10. his frustrations with your product or service
  11. his needs

    If you like exercises, I'm sharing this exercise with you for free, which I did with the girls in Speed-coaching!

    You can download the template here and use it to determine your persona!

    Questions to ask yourself about your persona:

    1. What are his values ​​and beliefs related to your products (objections to your product or service)

    2. What social networks does he frequent and why?

    3. What does he do in his free time?

    4. What kind of person does he follow on social media and why?

    5. What kind of personality does he have on social media and why?

    These questions will help you get to know your persona better and adapt your communication strategies, for example on your social networks and those addressed to them.

    What changes does your product or service bring to her?

    1. Change at the psychological level:
      Does he/she see psychological changes with your service or product? For example, does he/she become organized because you sell diaries?

    2. Change at the physical level:
      Does he/she see any physical changes thanks to your product or service? Example: before your product he/she is hungry, after your product he/she is full because you sell prepared meals.

    3. Hardware change:
      Example: Before knowing your company, they didn't have a home, but since you are a real estate broker, now they have a place to live.

    4. Change at the social level:
      Example: Before joining your non-anonymous Facebook group for compulsive Amazon buyers , they felt alone in their addiction and now they are surrounded by people who are going through the same thing as them.

    5. Change on the spiritual level:
      Example: you are a master Tianshi and before your persona did not believe in chakra at all and after your service, they are all realigned and can now live... Well, actually, I only know what it feels like to have your chakras aligned, but if that's your specialty, you'll know! hihi : )

    Finally, I hope that these judicious lessons will help you to better understand your persona, the key person in your company.

    Stay tuned for my upcoming blog posts on how to communicate with her!

    If you don't want to wait to have access to more tips to know your persona well, join us for group coaching by clicking here!

    NB: Inclusive writing is used in this text to reflect and respect the diversity of genders and identities, by including formulations that encompass all the people concerned.

    NB: This article does not cover all the details you should collect about your persona, but it can be of great help to you! Thank you.

    Source 1: Book Add a Zero by the very relevant Alexandra Martel
    Source 2: Market research and sales strategy, Fashion marketing technique, Laflèche College

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