Selling the damn license fabrics – La Vulgarisatrice Skip to content
La vente des satanés tissus de licence

Selling the damn license fabrics

Legal or not legal?

Some people say yes, some people say no, some people say yes, " but because everyone does it" or yes, " but because it sells well ". ..

I myself have already been banned from a Facebook group because I told the tailor, the main administrator of this group, that she was not allowed to sell creations made with licensed fabric . She had even taken the trouble to come and persist with me in private. It's cute, but no, it's illegal.

Oops, sorry not sorry!

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So, I drive 120 km / h on the highway. Like many people. Like almost everyone in fact. Since "everyone is doing it" does that mean that I have the legaly the  right to do it? There, you're going to tell me " well no see! " Same deal for saling license's fabric.

" Yes, but I saw an article one day on an extremely popular website where they say you can, but just a little ". " That we can if we circumvent the law, that we do not display the name of the character that we sell and that if, we sell it in the dark, blindfolded and that we pass under a ladder with a black cat in the arms at the same time, we can ". No, it's illegal.

Yes, but " we can when it's" fanart "". No, it's illegal.

Well no, we can't. You can't NEVA  . The arguments that we see passed on social networks are more and more surprising and I would say even playful! I have come to wonder if people who's argue are really believe what they writing.

Oops, I'm not always gentle.

So today I am going to solve a very problematic problem easily!

If you haven't purchased your license for Disney, Universal Studio, Pixar, etc. You CANNOT sell fabric with characters as the characters of said companies .

Identifiable, that means " that we can recognize ".

So if you drew Frozen with big, big eyes, a mini mouth, blonde hair, two braids instead of one, a mini mini body, but that it is easily identifiable as Frozen , you are not allowed to sell any fabric made with prints of your design.

I'm even wondering if I have the right to write his name here! (Level 2 - Paranoia)

Fanart, within the meaning of the Copyright Act R.S.C. (1985), c. C-42, is considered an infringement:


  • a) With respect to a work in which copyright exists, any reproduction, including disguised imitation, which has been made contrary to this Act or who has been the subject of an act contrary to this law;

Yes, but when can we?

Almost never. In fact, the only time you can use a license fabric is when you buy it from a company that OWNS the license for resale and you manufacture an object for your personal use.

Personal, does that mean you can give a friend a present with it? YES

Personal, does mean that you can make a vest out of this fabric and sell to that same friend? NO

In summary, make money with an image licensed and identifiable < / b> which does not belong to you, according to the law, it is ILLEGAL

Would you really want to lose everything you built for Mickey?

N.B. : In this article, we are not talking about manufacturers (factory) or distributors (on a large scale), but rather small companies selling fabrics or clothing made from these fabrics.

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There you have it, real sources; the ones I used:

Source 1:

Source 2:

Source 3:

La vente des satanés tissus de licence

Selling the damn license fabrics

Comments (5)

C’est vrai que les gens sont mal informés et qu’on voit tellement d’excuses. L’une que j’entend bien trop souvent à tord et qui serait bien de mentionner est :《 Mon fournisseur possède les licenses nécessaires, donc le tissus que j’utilise pour vendre mes creations est légal. 》

Éloïse Goyer

C’est vrai que les gens sont mal informés et qu’on voit tellement d’excuses. L’une que j’entend bien trop souvent à tord et qui serait bien de mentionner est :《 Mon fournisseur possède les licenses nécessaires, donc le tissus que j’utilise pour vendre mes creations est légal. 》

Éloïse Goyer

C’est vrai que les gens sont mal informés et qu’on voit tellement d’excuses. L’une que j’entend bien trop souvent à tord et qui serait bien de mentionner est :《 Mon fournisseur possède les licenses nécessaires, donc le tissus que j’utilise pour vendre mes creations est légal. 》

Éloïse Goyer

C’est vrai que les gens sont mal informés et qu’on voit toutes sortes d’excuses. Je crois que ça pourrait être bien de mentionner aussi que ce n’est pas parce que ton fournisseur possède une licence, que le tissus que tu achètes est légal pour fabriquer des confections que tu revend.

Éloïse Goyer

Enfin!!! Ça me fait du bien de lire ça… merci de reprendre la VRAIE nouvelle!

Audrey Poirier

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